Edge of Story Blog

Take the Next Bus

Take the Next Bus

I met death at a bus stop, on a cold Thursday evening. I think she thought it an apt metaphor. She was a rather disappointing figure, I must say, no black cowl, no scythe,...

Episode 9 – Flashes of Time

Malik tried to suppress the faint whirling red of irritation that crawled across his skin as Abraxas dabbed at his arm. A green salve pressed between the cracks that ran along his shoulder, feeling...

Episode 8 – Within the Palisade

Read the prior chapter here Read the first chapter here The group returned, not as conquering heroes, but as survivors. On their day’s journey back, they had traveled unmolested by the deer. Whether it was because they...

ATTE – Recap

ATTE – Recap

When I started writing, I wanted to write novels. I wanted to emulate the scope and scale of many of my favorite books. My first attempt at a novel was awful, as all first...