Category: Newspapers of Vision

This Series focuses on Freedom of Speech during a young nation’s revolution. These events are loosely inspired by the French revolution.

Morning Star

Article 38: Changes

Our esteemed national government has recently announced that it has killed the traitor Mordon Genette. Though many of us have gone into hiding and joined the resistance, this death may be a step towards reconciliation with our national government. After all, many of us feared that old titles and old aristocrats such as Mordon Genette and Fredrick Jarte were influencing our government. Now we may be assured that they are not. Genette is dead and Fredrick Jarte’s creation, SciTech has been stamped into the dirt.

Article 37: Traitors

We have grave news here. One of our allies, our dear ‘Friend of Utopia,’ had betrayed us. This is terrible news. He has helped us for a long while. He even jump-started our two revolutions. He has been a great friend and like on our quest towards a utopia. Despite all of this he has now abandoned the cause. Vision is in a better position than ever. The famine will soon be under control, we have an elected government. So, we do not know why he would choose to speak out and slander us.

Article 36: Land of the People

Article 36: Land of the People

Many newspapers have joined together to protest the tyranny that has overtaken our government. Yet, many more are still controlled by the government and by LilyPad Enterprises. Some have been bribed, some coerced, still others have been blackmailed. It seems as if LilyPad Enterprises is leveraging its power and authority to help the government. Why it is doing that, and not providing food is a mystery.

Morning Star

Article 35: Cycles

Like the Daily Blurb, we have gone underground. We have decided to take a stand for what we believe in. We have taken a stand for Vision. I understand that these are trying times. We, once again, have a government that has betrayed us. Once again. In the old days, when we first revolted against the Eastern Empire they used propaganda to silence us, to force us into submission. Remember in our first article, how we had vowed to paint the news is it is, to be devoid of emotion and bias? Well, that is difficult now. We must take sides. When we paint the news accurately we inevitably choose the side of the resistance. So that is what we must do. We now paint the news as it is in the hopes that we will have a new government, one that is truly of the people.

Article 34: Continue On

Article 34: Continue On

We know that many of you will not receive this message. We have worked to make ourselves scarce so that the government will not find us. Unfortunately, this means that many of you will not be able to find us. That is the price that we must pay for our dissent. That is the price for us supporting the rebellion. We do not regret our actions. The rebellion is worth supporting. Taking down our corrupt government is a just cause. It is just that we hope that this is worth it to at least some of you. We hope that our sacrifices will not be in vain.

Article 33: Be Sure

There has been much dissent during the last two weeks. Many of our newspapers have said treasonous things. They have attempted to sow dissent within us. But, we will not allow this to happen. Here at Vision, we are strong. We will hold to our ideals. We will not be brought down just because of some newspapers. Despite these troubling times, we will hold onto our ideals and our hope for a better future. We will prevail.