Article 16: In Defence of Neutrality

This is part 16 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part.

Morning Star

Augest 22, 1778

By Editor David Huegh

We give you this special report outside of our normal schedual. This is because of our dedication to our readerbase.

The citizens of the capital have finally done what they have threatened to do for a long while. They have begun to formally incite revolution. Encouraged by the Letters of Utopia and the formal stepping down from the office of Modern Genette, they have begun to desecrate the houses of public officials. Though there was one riot previously, it was not widespread enough, nor did it gather enough support to be considered the beginning of the revolution.

The demonstration soon devolved into a night of violence and destruction, as people, in retaliation, took up arms to defend the government. Protests that began peacefully exploded into mayhem as the two groups clashed. However, it appears that those who came to the defense of the government were not solely to blame. It seems that a fire started and both sides blamed the other. Though, it seems as if it was done by a rouge character, Will Cepik. At least, that is what we think.

As the protests turned to violence, destruction reigned near the capital. Vandalism and brutality were seen on both sides. People at the scene had even destroyed one of the houses. Thankfully, this has only happened in one house. However, this is the house of Hugo O’Donohue, sole editor of the People’s Advocate, a popular paper that is only well known among aristocratic circles. This was in retaliation to his so-called ‘reactionary’ articles, as well as calling in the so-called defenders of the government.

We do not like to take sides, being founded on the ideals of neutrality, unlike the Daily Blurb. So far we have kept to this and have remained unbiased, leaving the decisions up to you.

These events show a dissregard for the sanctity of the press and a turn towrds violence. Oeople seem to be lashing out solely because they disagree with what another is saying. We hope that peace will prevail in the future.

The original purpose of the Morning Star was to stop and combat propaganda. Currently, propaganda is few and far between. However, if the press is always at the mercy of the people, then they cannot publish the truth. They become beholden to the people, publishing only what the people let them. This means that whoever has the support of the people will continue to, as the news cannot publish anything against them.

Currently, we are fighting for our rights. Yet some, in the same breath, try to take away the rights of others. In the future will we have to publish articles with the headline “Revolutionaries Commit Murder?” Passion can be a dangerous thing. We must not let our judgment be clouded.

The events of the night of the protest revealed the deep tensions that lurk below the surface of Vision. The so-called ‘reactionaries’ hate so-called ‘radicals’. The left hates the right and the right hates the left. Like oil and water, they do not mix. That night has shown that. When the two groups face off against each other peace can not prevail because neither side accepts that the other side could have come from a place of good faith. The coming months will increase the violence tenfold as tensions rise to the surface. It is no longer just about food or about Vision, it’s a matter of principle, it’s a matter of us versus them.

We hope that these pleas are not just a shout in the dark. We must all stand together during these dark times.

Read the next article here

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