Article 19: Think Criticaly

This is part 19 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part.

Last Remarks

Febuary 15, 1779

By: Editor Hugo O’Donohue

Last Remarks is a paper dedicated to exposing the truth behind the new organization in charge of Vision. The new government is based on the principles of freedom and liberty. Yet it is flawed, not providing the freedoms to all of its citizens. Here at Last Remarks, we specialize in the analysis of official actions and corruption and failed exploits. We vow to serve Vision. It is our home.

We must first look at the subject of food. There is not enough food to go around. People have begun to starve. One Professor Stricket estimates that some 150 people have died of starvation since the government has changed hands. This is one of the most pressing problems out there. We need to help people. Our government isn’t doing that. People are starving and they do nothing.

Sthis may be because our government is disorganized. But, disorganized movements often cause damage. Unintended consequences often happen. While these by themselves do not imply guilt, a failure to see these problems and fix them does. So far these consequences seem to mainly affect the media businesses.

Media, especially the newspapers, that could influence people in counter-revolutionary ways, have been attacked. The Morning Star had a drop in the number of subscribers and sustained damage after asking people to remain calm and to think with level heads, to not blindly follow everyone who talks about furthering the revolution. The People’s Advocate was completely obliterated.

The new regime has promised that they won’t limit the press, yet they have limited the speech of dissenters in the provinces. What many in the capital do not know, is that some form the provinces were afraid of the revolution. Rioting and looting had happened in some provinces, aided by many from the provinces. The revolution actively hurt many of the most vulnerable members of Vision.

How can we truly be a free nation where we vote and have liberty while people are silenced. We have a new paper filled with government propaganda. We were originally meant to be a free and egalitarian society. Then the aristocrats took over. We fought. We won. But, those who fought are not those who are meant to lead. Vision is slipping. We need to stop this. We were built on lofty ideals. We must try for even if we do not secede, we will still create a better Vision.

What should we do? What is our purpose? What can we do? We are weakened. The knowledge that we have acquired so far will be useful for our future. If we vote and have a truly equal government. We could then devote our time and resources to study. We would help progress far beyond anything we have ever seen, and we would elevate ourselves. We could continue to indulge in the silly notion that we are a true utopia. We aren’t a utopia and we never will be, the current famine has taught us that much. But, we can improve ourselves. To do that we need to recognize our flaws.

We do have our flaws, but we must continue despite it. After considering Vision and its current faults we have decided that continuing will be best for everyone. We do not want all of our work to be in vain. We do not want Vision to go to waste. We write not to tear down Vision but to show how it can be improved so that it can be built up stronger, better, and more beautiful than it has ever been before.

If you have compliments, critique, or just want to start a discussion, feel free to comment below!

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