Article 2: 20th Anniversary of Vision

This is part 2 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part.

Morning Star

Patric O’neal

Febuary 10, 1776

Our humble nation of Vision has only existed for 20 short years. In this time we have taken our steps on to the forefront of history. Many things have happened in the time since Vision began, and, in honor of our nation’s 20th anniversary, we now look back on and celebrate our beginnings.

It was 20 years ago when our nation was founded. Enlightened thinkers had tried to start a small colony where they could study in peace, not bothered by the barbarian hordes of other nations. At that time were part of the Eastern Empire. As colonies, we were subjected to hard work and harsh taxes. The Eastern Empire twisted everything that we made. They used our inventions for war and as toys for the rich. So, we built Visio to foster learning. To foster…. becoming. Becoming through surpassing social barriers. Becoming through knowledge and learning.

Of course, everything was not as simple as all that. Many were afraid to revolt because of the Eastern Empire’s war machines. Not only that, but the empire also began to spread propaganda. We lost many soldiers then, not because they were killed, but because they were deceived. In the end, though grit and determination, spirit, and truth, we won the revolution.

It was our severing from the Eastern Empire that allowed this nation to rise. Men and women from our colony all rose up after suffering many injustices. The Eastern Empire exploited our inventions and used to create engines of war and conquest, not for the greater good. We rose up, vowing that our inventions would never be used to oppress, and instead be used to foster equality.

After we seceded we had to remain in arms, preparing for an eventual backlash. However, we have been fortunate. The Eastern Empire has not deemed it necessary to attack again. We now no longer require a standing army and instead merely requires all farmers to be willing and able to defend our nation in case of attack.

Even without a militia, we grew and now dominate the surrounding lands, with many kingdoms paying tribute to us to gain the fruits of our knowledge. Our science and dominance as a local power will soon allow us to be free from material wants and will let our nation devote our time more fully to that of study, creating a land of freedom and equality. Until then, we still rely on our own fields and pastures to deliver the majority of our food.

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Read Article 3 in the series HERE. It is the inaugural article from the Daily Blurb, a paper focused on personal stories.

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