Article 24: Vision Spirals

This is part 24 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part.

Daily Blurb

March 9, 1778

By Editor Maddie Ray


We are now in the midst of another revolt against another tyrannical leader. It appears as if Jamile King has betrayed us. She is no longer a friend of the revolution. In fact, she has actively gone against it. As has been shown by Last Remarks, she has started to brush shoulders with such people as Mordon Genette. It appears as if he should never have been captain. She should never have given him power

Protests have swept across the nation. Readers of the recently created paper ‘Last Remarks’ have started to revolt as of the last two days. This has created much unease in part due to widespread action spread by the paper. This will be another turning point, one that instead of bringing peace, will be a harbinger of instabilitty.

Last Remarks is a newspaper that has been created relatively recently. It has only surfaced after the paper Visions Triumph was created. It has only surfaced because our new government. In fact, it is created by Hugo O’Donohue, who was against the first revolution. It seems as if he is still trying to voice his dissent. The freedom of speech and of the press is what allowed his views to be heard. Even though many would consider him counter to the revolution his weeds and his pen have shown us the truth about the leaders that we have placed in government, that they will not let us have elections.

The protests are relatively peaceful, for now. This was in part due to Last Remarks which encouraged its readers to wait and to be patient. This seems to show that either David Hugh nolonger is as firmly against the revolution, or that he is afraid of revealing that he is still against the revolution. Either way, it seems that he and his paper may have stopped the protests from turning violent. However, it may not continue this way. If elections do not happen, then it may once again turn violent. Afterall, we have just experienced six long months of violence, what is six more?

The public has also changed as a result of this. As has been said, many in the public now are mistrustful of the government. But, what we have not discuss is the publics newfound reliance on newspapers. The recent protesetst, and even the recent revolution, has created within may members of the public, a need to stay in formed. It is hard to tell wich newspaper will start the next revolt or revolution. Also, papers like us here at the Daily Blurb, can be used to gage the publics opinions. We share the views and opinions of many people and can be used to gage different groups and general trends. At the Morning Star they talk about so-called ‘important events’. Both are important in the Vision of today.

This may mean that we are more mistrustful of those in government. It may be that we can no longer trust people just because of past merits. Instead, we must always be vigilant should our leaders turn sour. It appears that we have lost some of our innocence here. During our first revolution, more than 20 years ago, we were bright-eyed and cheery ready for a perfect society. In our second revolution, which began just over 6 months ago, we were ready to stop the tyrants. These protests are done with heavy hearts. We now know that ean egalitarian utopia may not come easily. The obstacles are, ourselves.

There will be many ramifications for our Government. Our leaders still have not allowed elections, even after the paper. The recruiter elections were a sign that even the great, such as Jamile King, could fall. It apears that she is a tyrant, one who woul destroy Vision and prop up the aristocracy.

This is sickening, isn’t it? We all feel the despair. Jamile King was a revolutinary. She helped lead us. We trusted her. Now, she has betrayed us. She betrayed our trust. Still, we urge all of you not to loose hope. We are still Vision. We are still strong.

If you have compliments, critique, or just want to start a discussion, feel free to comment below!

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