Article 3: The Daily Blurb – a Focus on Intimate Stories

This is part 3 of the series. Go to the 1st Article for the beginning.

Daily Blurb

We speak to all those who remember when newspapers were supposed to present the truth, not just the facts, but our truths. Newspapers can give the news, we have seen this, but they can also open up a window into our lives. We at the Daily Blurb are committed to providing a new Newspaper that is about you, the people, and is committed to telling your stories. This is a newspaper for the people, by the people. Here we promise to address the controversy of events, by facilitating discussion with a majority of groups. By helping to take the discussion to the people, we let all sides and ideas come to life, and present the intimate stories not covered by mere statistics and data.

We need to grow as a nation. Vision is still in its formative years. We can achieve great things and are already on our way to do it. But, we cannot achieve greatness without each other. We need to be connected, and we can do this through the articles we read in the paper. The problem with papers such as Money Watch or the Morning Star is that, even though we respect them, they cannot paint the entire picture. We cannot grow as a country if we are afraid to show every part of it. This country is made of people, not just numbers. So, we will paint the portions of the canvas not already covered.

This has been our first article. We hope to serve our community for many years to come, with many opinions and different points of view. The Daily Blurb will not shy away from controversy. We promise to deliver you the news no matter what and focus on intimate stories.

We hope to continue to serve Vision in the coming years.

Maddie Ray

Jan 3rd, 1778

* * Daily Blurb * *

Read Article 4 in the series HERE. Article 4 moves Vision’s story forward almost two years. In this next Article, Garth Hayes covers the growing problems with Vision’s grain supply.

To read the Morning Star’s reflection on the country’s founding, go to Article 2 .

If you have compliments, critique, or just want to start a discussion, feel free to comment below!

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