Article 5: Hope in Struggle
This is Part 5 of a series.
For the prior installment go to Article 4.
For the next installment go to Article 6.
Morning Star
Claurice Chancy
July 24, 1778
Times are tough. The rising price of bread that Money Watch predicted is now putting a strain on family budgets. Starvation sweeps through the land. We pity all those who live during this time. Our beginning was bright, and our future will be brighter still, but in the present, we are struggling.
However, things are not so bleak for us to believe that there is no hope. Many soup kitchens have been started by people with excess money or food. Samantha Key, owner of the soup kitchen Golden Spoon has given us this quote about her work “There are people who are starving. If I can make a difference in one of their lives I will.” Samantha Key is a singularly wealthy individual and has not only started running the soup kitchen, soldiering the entire cost without profit, but she has also employed local teens. This gives them valuable experience and money for food. Even our council knows this, aristocrat Fredrick Jarte has promised to donate a large portion of his money to the Golden Spoon.
Another business that may help is SciTech. This corporation was started and funded by our government, specifically Fredrick Jarte. This organization specializes in creating new technologies. It is part of our Vision. This organization has started donating much of its profits. It is currently trying to make sure that everyone is fed. It can’t do everything, but it can help.
Though this famine has done a lot of harm and will continue to do even greater harm, it has done much to unite us. It shows us that we can trust our fellow man. Vision will be stronger because of this.
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Read Article 4, covering the pending crash in Vision’s grain supply HERE.
Read Article 6, calling for a return to the Empire HERE.
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