Article 6: Call to Action

This is Part 6 of a series.

For the prior installment go to Article 5.

For the next installment go to Article 7.

People’s Advocate

July 30, 1778

Hugo O’Donohue.

Why do we promise freedom, enlightenment, and hope when our people are starving? Enlightenment may have been our original purpose, but enlightenment won’t fill empty stomachs. Knowledge does no good if one has nothing to eat. You can’t eat a book. And hope. How can we have hope as we starve? If we want to have hope, the people need something to eat. Currently, the Eastern Empire is offering Vision favorable terms.

Vision could rejoin the Empire. The knowledge that we have acquired so far would be useful to them. Rejoining would help both of us. We would help them progress in learning far beyond anything we have seen, and be elevated with them. All we have to do is give up the silly notion that we are an impossible ‘utopia.’ We aren’t a utopia and we never will be, the current famine has taught us that much. But with the Eastern Empire to protect us, we could produce more. What’s more, the people would have bread to eat.

Read Article 5 in the series HERE, covering initial fallout from the the rise in grain prices in Vision.

Read Article 7 HERE asking where is my bread.

If you have compliments, critique, or just want to start a discussion, feel free to comment below!

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