As I Wander Endless Halls

It is astonishing how easily people can get used to new routines and new circumstances. Once, I assume, I was alive. And yet, I am perfectly content in death. It has its downsides, to be sure, but there is so much freedom now. I can enter any area I so choose, explore endlessly to satisfy any curiosity. Even loneliness isn’t a large problem. No one is left alive- can’t remember how that happened -but there are a fair number of ghosts.

I approached a mirror. It was large, one of those floor-to-ceiling mirrors found in dance studios. I floated over a few mice as I reached said mirror. Such vermin had become commonplace, so I completely focused on the mirror. Though the only people in the room were me and the few rodents, dozens of shining figures appeared within the mirror. I smiled. Even though I didn’t recognize many of the people, I was still glad. Connection was somewhat lacking for the ghosts. It is only in mirrors that we can see others.

I did my best to ignore the gathering dust as I interacted with the other ghosts, participating in a kind of rudimentary sign language we had collectively developed. Though, I mostly sat back and just watched the others; there is something special about just being in other people’s presence- even in situations as far removed like this.

Someone was talking in-depth about a bear encounter that they had. It had been squaring off with a lion that had escaped a nearby zoo. We all had a chuckle over the vivid imagery that was painted and many said that they would check out the scene.

But later, several ghosts were discussing going away. The entirety of our island had long since been explored and many were growing restless. The sea was the last hope. For what, it’s kinda hard to say. But, many hope to find living people, more ghosts, or even our final resting place. However, I made sure to sign my disapproval. I had already look out towards the sea. It’s an endless expanse. Even if there is something beyond, one would likely get lost.

Some responded with a taciturn agreement, and I knew that they weren’t convinced. I continued to just listen for a while before leaving. I wandered elsewhere. Being a ghost, I was able to pass through the walls of the building and return to the outside. Thre, the crescent moon beamed down, like a smile in the otherwise darkened sky.

I took a quiet, lonely walk along a stream that somehow wormed through a once-paved road. I delighted in watching the pashes jump. If you looked closely, you could see the little insects crawling around, and the crawdaddy hidden under some of the pavement. Being a ghost I didn’t disturb them and could more easily observe. It was nice, calm, beautiful- and I was bored.

Or maybe I was just bothered. A few people had already ventured across the sea, only one of which returned, battered and afraid. But, connection was already so hard, relationships so thin. And the mirrors were beginning to get dusty. Already a few places no longer allowed us to view each other due to the dust. Soon, I’d be left alone.

I glided past the stream and entered a large department store, one of my favorite haunts. The mannequins reminded me of friends. And, sometimes, I would think I saw someone out the corner of my eye.

I later returned to the dance studio. But, instead of seeing the usual array of various ghosts stopping by, there was only one. I could just barely make him out through all the dust. I shouldn’t have been surprised; the dust had been gathering for some time, but with was like a knife to the heart to see this meeting place in such sad disarray.

I didn’t think anyone would be coming back.

I tried to ask the one other person exactly what was going on. But, it seemed that he couldn’t understand my movement,s obscured as they were by the dust. Eventually, he gave what I assumed was a sad goodbye. I knew immediately that he too would leave over the sea.

I stared at the mirror for way too long. Possibly, there was someone there with me, invisible and intangible, so close and yet worlds apart. The thought that maybe someone was there gave me some modicum of comfort. Eventually, though I left. I returned to the only place I could, the old department store right beside the stream. I didn’t remember much from my early time, as a ghost or as a human. But, I did remember that the store was one of the first places I had found.

So I made the place my home. I became well acquainted with the different bats and birds and bees that also live there. A small pool of water had appeared in the bathrooms, where a pipe must have burst. I came to that room often. Ivy crept across the wall. There, there were several bird nests as well as a beehive. But, there also was a window, overlooking the sea.

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