Category: Newspapers of Vision
Friends, citizens, the tyrants have been driven out of Vision, however, all is not yet right. National elections have not yet happened. We do not yet have a government that’s actually of the people. To completely be an egalitarian society, a utopia. We need to truly represent everyone. not just those that live in the capital. Vision was created for everyone. Our current form of government does not reflect that. We need to hold elections so that the government can reflect everyone, especially those from the provinces.
The freedoms of speech & of the press that has been granted by the government. This has been one of the most important and one of the most longed for acts in the history of news in Vision. Despite its benefits, the small law. had certainly caused some large controversy. We have decided to hear from people and listen to their opinions on the new freedoms that have been granted.
This is part 20 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part. Money Watch (Current Economics) Febuary 17, 1779 Garth Hayes The Government has, just yesterday, promised that people will...
Last Remarks is a paper dedicated to exposing the truth behind the new organization in charge of Vision. The new government is based on the principles of freedom and liberty. Yet it is flawed, not providing the freedoms to all of its citizens. Here at Last Remarks, we specialize in the analysis of official actions and corruption and failed exploits. We vow to serve Vision. It is our home.
Vision has been restored and is now on its original path. At least, that was the original objective. No one denies that voting is a great idea that will cement Vision ideals. However, some people are worried about how our nation will function in the future. There are some varying opinions, with many people holding many different points of view. But, one thing has become clear. The people from the provinces were not consulted during the revolution. It is only now that we will hear their views.
It has been 6 long months. 6 long months of violence. We have fought. Fought for our rights, fought for our ideals, fight for Vision itself. We have had to fight soldiers from the Eastern Empire as well as reactionary bent on preserving the tyrannical rule of the Aristocrats, rallied by the old leaders.
The citizens of the capital have finally done what they have threatened to do for a long while. They have begun to formally incite revolution. Encouraged by the Letters of Utopia and the formal stepping down from the office of Modern Genette, they have begun to desecrate the houses of public officials. Though there was one riot previously, it was not widespread enough, nor did it gather enough support to be considered the beginning of the revolution.
The presents have started to revolt. Many of the capital’s peasants have been angered over the government’s new decisions. Members of the military have also joined them. This means that they are armed and dangerous. After the revolution, the peasants who fought were allowed to keep their guns. This appears to have been an oversight.
Mordon Genette told us that “the council unanimously decided to rejoin the Eastern Empire. What they said was that famine was too great a threat to the people. However, what they meant was that it was too great a threat to their power. Lady Lila, who has been a part of the government was the one who said this. When she said it anyone there could see the cruel power flash in her eyes. Everything that she has done has been to further her own power. Her malicious intent was confirmed when she continued afterward saying ‘At least, that is what we must tell them. What is truly the danger is the fire of liberalism’ Everything lady Lila does is to increase her own power. ”