Edge of Story Blog

Article 24: Vision Spirals

Article 24: Vision Spirals

Protests have swept across the nation. Readers of the recently created paper ‘Last Remarks’ have started to revolt as of the last two days. This has created much unease in part due to widespread action spread by the paper. This will be another turning point, one that instead of bringing peace, will be a harbinger of instabilitty. We must hope that we can continue on our path to a utopia.

Article 23: Recruiter Elections

Elections still have not yet arrived, at least, not real elections. The elections that have taken place just two days ago are nothing but reporter elections. Bow, many of you wonder at the meaning of the term ‘recruiter election.’ This being our first election here in Vision, it must be good. Instead, this recruiter election is a sign that Vision is once again falling.

The Witcher, The Last Wish – A Review

The Witcher, The Last Wish – A Review

I have decided that, for my updates, I will alternate between doing normal updates and doing reviews such as his. I hope that you find this review helpful. So, without further ado: the Witcher....

Article 22: Continue the Revolution

Article 22: Continue the Revolution

Friends, citizens, the tyrants have been driven out of Vision, however, all is not yet right. National elections have not yet happened. We do not yet have a government that’s actually of the people. To completely be an egalitarian society, a utopia. We need to truly represent everyone. not just those that live in the capital. Vision was created for everyone. Our current form of government does not reflect that. We need to hold elections so that the government can reflect everyone, especially those from the provinces.

Article 21: Freedom or Prison

Article 21: Freedom or Prison

The freedoms of speech & of the press that has been granted by the government. This has been one of the most important and one of the most longed for acts in the history of news in Vision. Despite its benefits, the small law. had certainly caused some large controversy. We have decided to hear from people and listen to their opinions on the new freedoms that have been granted.

Corrupted zoom


Open app Launch meeting Sign in Insert ID Enter password Alexis logged onto the lesson. The light from the computer glowed against her pale skin. Propping her arm up on the armrest of her...

5 Reasons We Love Science Fiction and Fantasy

5 Reasons We Love Science Fiction and Fantasy

Science fiction and fantasy both provide a sense of wonder. Ther is an appeal, a quality about them that is hard to explain. Why are we drawn to magic, to time travel, to dragons?...

Article 20: Printing Press

Article 20: Printing Press

This is part 20 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part. Money Watch (Current Economics) Febuary 17, 1779 Garth Hayes The Government has, just yesterday, promised that people will...

Article 19: Think Criticaly

Last Remarks is a paper dedicated to exposing the truth behind the new organization in charge of Vision. The new government is based on the principles of freedom and liberty. Yet it is flawed, not providing the freedoms to all of its citizens. Here at Last Remarks, we specialize in the analysis of official actions and corruption and failed exploits. We vow to serve Vision. It is our home.

My Writing Process for the Newspapers of Vision.

My Writing Process for the Newspapers of Vision.

Originally, I wrote out the entire series in my notebook. However, due to a mix of bad handwriting, incoherent plotlines, and articles that were too short, I had to begin again from the start....