The girl walked up to the small stone cottage. It was small and pretty, picturesque. Yet, as she approached it there was a buzzing in the back of her mind like a swarm of...
Original sci-fi and fantasy stories for Teens and Adults
The girl walked up to the small stone cottage. It was small and pretty, picturesque. Yet, as she approached it there was a buzzing in the back of her mind like a swarm of...
So, I’ve finished my first serial. It was a good practice and has made me a better writer. As such, I will begin a new series soon. However, I will leave my current serial...
This is part 42 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part. Daily Blurb May 4, 1779 We would like to thank those who have submitted There isn’t much to...
This is part 41 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part. Morning Start May 2, 1779 David Huegh Our current government has never been in a more favorable position!...
The sword is one of the most iconic symbols in fantasy. So many heroes are known for their swords. Bilbo has Sting, King Artur has Excaliber, Percy Jackson has Riptide. Even in Star Wars...
This is part 40 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part. Vision’s Triumph April 26, 1779 Charles Brake We would like to bring great news to everyone in Vision!...
This is part 39 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part. Daily Blurb April 20, 1779 We would like to thank those who have submitted We need to talk....
“Ok, Ben. You can go to the grocery store yourself.” Ben smiled. As a boisterous 11-year-old, he felt ready for and deserving of more responsibility. So, he was excited about the chance to go...
Our esteemed national government has recently announced that it has killed the traitor Mordon Genette. Though many of us have gone into hiding and joined the resistance, this death may be a step towards reconciliation with our national government. After all, many of us feared that old titles and old aristocrats such as Mordon Genette and Fredrick Jarte were influencing our government. Now we may be assured that they are not. Genette is dead and Fredrick Jarte’s creation, SciTech has been stamped into the dirt.
We have grave news here. One of our allies, our dear ‘Friend of Utopia,’ had betrayed us. This is terrible news. He has helped us for a long while. He even jump-started our two revolutions. He has been a great friend and like on our quest towards a utopia. Despite all of this he has now abandoned the cause. Vision is in a better position than ever. The famine will soon be under control, we have an elected government. So, we do not know why he would choose to speak out and slander us.