Power in the Derelict
Life as a serf was less fun than one would think. Of course, one wouldn’t think highly of being a serf given the historical precedent. But, when I allowed myself to become a serf, I wasn’t thinking. At the time, I focused on Flint, on making sure he was safe and happy. And, was Flint happy? He seemed so. Though, it was a grim sort of happiness, one where you threw yourself totally into your work, to the exclusion of most other things. In a way, it was happiness without joy.
I turned my head to look at Flint. I was only met with retribution by my overseer. “Get back to work.” The order was cold, gruff, and uncaring.
Begrudgingly, I focused back on my task. I was to clear away rouble and polish the surrounding areas. The hope was that my group, along with others, would be able to extend the bubble of safety around Dominentur, or bastion of hope.
But, soon after I got back to work, I stopped. My foot had landed in something sticky with a sickening squelch. Cold metal pressed against my back, a blaster. So, I forwards. I looked wistfully at the muck and goop beneath my feet, wishing it as my job to clean it. Though it would be disgusting and unpleasant, at least that job would have been safer.
As it was, we were sent out into any new place first. It was our job to secure any new areas, and it was dangerous work. There was an abundance of nasty creatures in this swamp-like jungle of steel.
At least I had my gun. I was allowed to keep mine, as was everyone else. The overseers gave weapons to those that didn’t have one. It turned out that Flint would never use the old knife I gave him.
Of course, our weapons were always taken away when we finished our labor.

As I worked, I felt a growing resentment towards the overseers. They did no work; they partook in no risks. Instead, they just watched us, pressing us ever onward. Though, people said that one day Flint and I would climb the social ladder. They said that, in under two years, I’d get my turn as an overseer. As I worked under an overseer’s watchful eye, I shuddered at the thought of becoming one. Though, it was a distinct possibility that, in two years, I would be glad not to be a serf.
I was broken out of my revelry, not by cold steel, but by something moving in the water ahead of us. Evidently, the water deepened further out. The clean-up crew would drain the water eventually. But that wasn’t any concern of ours at the moment. Instead, our concern was getting the thing out.
“Ready!” Barked the overseer.
We all readied our guns, tracing the path of the creature in the water. Despite the situation, I gave a small smile. The thing in the water was much akin to the beast that had dragged me under back when I first entered the Derelict. It was time for payback.
With the command came the firing of 6 blasters, all at the area around the beast. The water bubbled and frothed at the place we had shot. The water settled. And still, we waited. We hadn’t fought this kind of creation before, and we didn’t know if it was dead, or just waiting.
Off to my right, I saw someone venture forward, forced by the overseer pressing against their back. Tentatively, my party member stepped forward

Flint and I sat in our room in silence. Our work was so filled with panic and yelling, and discord. It was nice to have some quiet and calm.
“Are you ok?” I asked Flint, concerned.
“Yeah, I’m good.” It seemed as though he meant it. “I do feel kinda grateful towards Dominentur.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Is that right?”
“Well, here we’re safe.” I was that word again: safe. It was like his constant refrain. We wanted to be safe; he wanted assurances. And it was like a knife in my stomach. After all, I had been the one to lead him into the Derelict.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know, Amy. And, really, it’s all right. After all, this place isn’t all bad. Whatever its faults, it’s safe. Probably safer than it is outside the Derelict. Remember? We’d broken the law, and they were coming for us. Here, things are ok.”
“But, Flint, what about everything Dominentur is doing to us? They force us to work and slave away and go through dangerous situations.”
“At least we’re safe. And, I think, I’ll we’ll be able to bear it as long as we’re together.”
And I hugged him, wrapping my arms around him. Though this was for me, then it was for Flint. As I hugged him, I tried to convince myself that he was right, that we would be able to make things ok, as long as we were together. But, it was still unsure. The more I thought about the cold steel pressed against my back, the more I was unsure.
I realized two things.
1) If I had Flint and if he had me, we’d find a way to make things better.
And 2) I hated Dominentur, the overseers, and all the people inside it.