Tagged: short stories for teens

The Statue

The Statue

The statue stood alone in a clearing, its granite face was cracked and its stone sword was now covered in grime. If one looked at it, one would gain the impression that it had...

The Things I Don’t Know

The Things I Don’t Know

“Hello, world,” I remember my first thoughts with the same precision with which I remember everything else. At the time, I didn’t quite know what the words meant or why I said them. Now...


The girl walked up to the small stone cottage. It was small and pretty, picturesque. Yet, as she approached it there was a buzzing in the back of her mind like a swarm of...

Robots at the Supermarket

“Ok, Ben. You can go to the grocery store yourself.” Ben smiled. As a boisterous 11-year-old, he felt ready for and deserving of more responsibility. So, he was excited about the chance to go...

Farewell to Winter Woods

Farewell to Winter Woods

Liam stood near the sugar maples with his father. Snow covered the ground, turning the entire scene into a winter wonderland. It was pristine, and it was the beginning of spring, tapping season. They...

The Fame, The Magic

Sometimes it’s hard being in the public eye. Oh, there are benefits. I’ve used my social standing on more than one occasion. It is surprising how many establishments let the rich or the famous...