The Forest that I Knew – Poem
A forest Poem
I stepped out into the forest.
And I knew it, and It knew me.
Carefully, I traced my steps,
and I found my way to a friend,
who encircled me in their leafy arms
and told me stories that the birds once told.
Of great oaks, of silent seas
of the many whispers of the trees.
I sat beneath mot knotted friend
and stood atop their twisted roots.
And a golden ray of gleaming light
Twinkled all around me
as I sat and watched the dusk turn into night.
And I fell asleep while wreathed in Faerie light
and dreamed of lakes and hills and ruins
All of which the forest would provide.
What silent wonder was in my eyes
as I shared a quiet moment with the woods?
The one I knew,
and, in turn, the one that knew me.
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