Visit: The Archives
So, I’ve finished my first serial. It was a good practice and has made me a better writer. As such, I will begin a new series soon. However, I will leave my current serial on my website, not because it’s good but because it’s a symbol of how far I’ve come and of where I began. So, I’ll create a new section, The Archives. (Note, these won’t be up at the time of release, it may take me a day or two.) The archives will be the place where I keep all of my old serials. There they are sequestered off, allowing new serials to flourish. Hopefully, I’ll write many more serials that I will be able to put in the archives.
Also, I’ve stopped doing book reviews as part of my blog. This is because the blog is mainly for three things: notifications, gathering more readers, and writing about things that interest me. After all, reviews of books written over 20 years ago aren’t searched for much. Besides, writing them wasn’t all too fun, it made me feel a bit like I was back in English class, overanalyzing another story.
That’s all for this week! Keep an eye out for my next serial.