Article 12: Voice of the People
This is part 12 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part.
Daily Blurb
Augest 10, 1778
This was edited by Will Celpek, but we could not have done it with out everyone who sumbitted
We have revived many short submissions from people who want to share their thoughts about, and their experiences with, the current revolution. Because of the influx, we have decided to reserve this post solely for those submissions. Also, most people wish to remain anonymous because of the charged political climate, and the questionable legality of the revolution. So far we have complied these submissions. After all, we, unlike the Morning Star, are the true voice of the people.
I think that the revolution is the fulfillment of the ideals of Vision. We were founded with the purpose of striving for equality. Through scientific development and social acceptance. What is more equal than even the present being able to vote? The people who are current;y marching in the street will one day be looked upon as heroes. Vision is finally coming to its own.
Vision was founded on liberal principles. We had to shy away from them during the war. Now, we take them up once again. Equality for all, education for all, prosperity for all. These are the ideals of Vision. That is what people are fighting for. The wealthy benefactors are in direct opposition to Visions doctrine. They and all they stand for must be crushed
Our government has abandoned its people. It says that it understands that we want to stay, yet it still will force us back into the Eastern Empire. There were reasons why we left. It wasn’t just fancifil dreams that lead us to Vision, but because in the Eatern Empire we were all working hard menial tasks with little pay, we had no say in government. Currently, that is what Vision has become, a government for the rich and the aristocracy, built on the backs of the peasants.
During our original secession from the Eastern Empire we had strong, pasinat, charismatic leaders. They made us feel good about ourselves. But, that isn’t what we want anymore. We don’t need firefly words or beautiful lies. Now is the time wor fiery truths and harsh realities. We need to unite together.
Far be it for me to be reactionary or to be sympathetic towards the government, but the riots have gone too far. The revolution, no matter how noble, will end up destroying lives. We have incited violence and destruction. We can not seize equality. We must convince people to understand and accept our equality. If we use force, others could use force against us. We need to tread carefully.
Will Cepek
We need to work together. We need to work together. Our govenment may have abandond us, but we must support each other. I am risking myself by saying this, as the government does not support the freedom of the press, but I think that I need to do this. I need to speak out. But because I nessesarily have anything to say, but because I need to inspire everyone to rise up in revolt. We can all work together. We must, if we want Vision to stay pure.
(We have also interviewed a council member. Even so, we do not agree with those in power and condemn them)
Fredrick Jarte
I believe that Vision was founded on central values. Sadly, those values are now merely our legacy. They no longer exist in our Government. This saddens me. Vision was shaped to be a place of prosperity. It was not built for us, the technocrats, the aristocrats, or even solely for you. This was supposed to be our combined dream, our shared Vision.
What has happened has caused a rift among us. This was a mistake on both our parts. We need trust. We can work through this together. If you trust us and follow us back into the Eastern Empire we will be able to create a new future together. What is happening now is a mistake. You must put your faith in us, for we have your best intentions at heart. Listen to us and together we will soar.
This is a send out for our shared Vision.
(As well as another council member, whom we similarly dislike)
Mordon Genette
I apologize.
I, Mordon Genette, accept that I have helped ruin Vision.
I had power and the means to help, yet I did nothing to intervene.
Vision has fallen from its lofty ideals, instead of oppressing the public. This is my fault.
Originally we were supposed to be a guiding hand. We were supposed to let you pick your rulers after a time. This is not an excuse, for, Sady, this did not come to pass. Those in power grew to love and crave it, myself included. We deluded ourselves, saying that it was good and just for us to retain control. This is counter to our original Vision and for that I am sorry. I hope that one day we will have real elections and that everyone regardless of wealth or status may be allowed to run.
However, no matter what, I will not run.
I have had a chance.
It is time for another to have theirs
We here at the Daily Blurb are pleased about all of the support we have been getting in recent times. We value everyone’s submissions and commend everyone on their bravery for speaking out. Everyone deserves to be heard and we hope that soon we will hear some of you in Government. We are proud of the community we have curated and hope to further it.
Read the next article here
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