Article 35: Cycles

This is part 35 of a series. Go to the 1st Paper for the first part.

Morning Star

David Huegh

April 4, 1779

Like the Daily Blurb, we have gone underground. We have decided to take a stand for what we believe in. We have taken a stand for Vision. I understand that these are trying times. We, once again, have a government that has betrayed us. Once again. In the old days, when we first revolted against the Eastern Empire they used propaganda to silence us, to force us into submission. Remember in our first article, how we had vowed to paint the news is it is, to be devoid of emotion and bias? Well, that is difficult now. We must take sides. When we paint the news accurately we inevitably choose the side of the resistance. So that is what we must do. We now paint the news as it is in the hopes that we will have a new government, one that is truly of the people.

But, even in these trying times, we have tried to remain loyal to our mission of providing only true information. Sadly, this has been quite hard. Mostly, we have been dealing with rumors. People refuse to talk openly with us, fearing retribution by our current government. We are loath to distribute these rumors without in some way verifying them. False tales of our government’s treachery could strike undue fear in our hearts. We must prepare for the worst, yes, but we must also be careful. We do not want to be paralyzed by mere rumors.

However, through some research, we have found that while Charles brake was at LilyPad Enterprises he had contact with one of its original creators: Lady Lila. Yes, it appears as if he originally had connections with Lady Lila, the original tyrant ruler of Vision. These connections do not bode well. We have a new tyrannical government, some of whose members knew members of the old tyrannical government. This is the terrible cycle of Vision. We must do our best to break free of it.

So, we have struggled. This is a time of change for Vision. If we cannot return it to a place for the free, an egalitarian land as the friend of Utopia says, then we will be doomed to have tyrant after tyrant. If we do not succeed we may never have elections again. We must remain sure if we want Vision to be great. We must be strong in the face of the trials. Even though we have an elected government we must continue the revolution. For if we do not, it will surely be crushed, and us with it.

If you have compliments, critique, or just want to start a discussion, feel free to comment below!

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